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  • It is the fifth main installment of the Call of Duty series and is the fourth entry😄 in the series to be set during World War II.
    Vanguard's single-player campaign takes place in 1945 near the end of😄 World War II's European theater, with various flashbacks ranging from 1941 to 1944. The story of Vanguard is told throughout😄 various points in time in a non-chronological order.

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  • Prêmio Embracept

    Yes, Black Ops 3 is still active on Xbox One. Despite being released in 2024, the game💵 continues to have an active player base on the Xbox One platform.
    Black Ops 4, however, is basically "re-skin" of Black💵 Ops III (for multiplayer) as there are almost no differences. Black Ops 4 only had fourteen multiplayer maps at launch💵 with four of them being remastered versions of maps from previous games.

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