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Yes, AstroPay cards can be used for online shopping in India. AstroPay is a virtual prepaid card❤️ that can be used for making online transactions, including shopping, without the need for a physical card. It's a convenient❤️ and secure way to make payments online.
Astropay is like the Paysafecard. These types of virtual vouchers cards ❤️ and are not compatible with PayPal. These cards  are not backed by any brand of credit card or❤️ card network like Visa/MasterCard, AMEX or Discover.

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    Yes, AstroPay cards can be used for online shopping in India. AstroPay is a virtual prepaid card💵 that can be used for making online transactions, including shopping, without the need for a physical card. It's a convenient💵 and secure way to make payments online.
    What is AstroPay? AstroPay is a modern alternative payment method that that makes💵 paying and depositing funds online simple and secure and with no extra fees!

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